Money Mindset

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Goals and Actions for a Thriving Business

With 2022 just around the corner, it’s time to set some goals and turn them into actions to get your business thriving! There are so many different goals to set for a growing business! I encourage you to explore your options and set goals that are important to you and the growth of your business.

Goals to Consider

  • There are so many different goals to think about when running your own business. If nothing specific has jumped out at you already, here are a few suggestions to get the gears turning:

  • Financial goals within your business, such as paying yourself consistently, or regularly saving money for tax season.

  • Investing in yourself! This comes in many different forms. Maybe it’s saving a specific amount of money in a certain amount of time for an educational course to further your knowledge in your field. It could also be saving for something such as a weekend getaway to relax! Your business will thrive when you are also taking care of yourself!

  • Reaching a certain number of new clients, who are also your IDEAL client! If you run a product based business it could be a goal of a certain number of items sold.

  • Goals to continue or START having some business boundaries, such as working inside a certain number of hours/week.

  • Want to grow your business through social media? Set social media goals to have a more consistent presence! Things like how often you will post, your engagement rate, or number of followers are a few that come to mind.

Taking Action and Tracking Your Goals

After you’ve decided on your goals, it’s time to take action towards achieving them and also track them. Having annual goals is great, but quite often people are very excited about reaching goals in January and have lost focus on them by February. Goals may be revisited when the year is coming to an end when you’ve run our of time to achieve a goal you planned to meet by this time. This has happened to me before, as I’m sure it has happened to you too! It is a disappointing ending to some very important goals! How can you avoid that in 2022? I recommend doing these things to make sure you are taking action towards your goals regularly:

  • Break your annual goals down into quarterly goals.

  • Assign action steps with specific frequencies to help you reach your goals.

  • Track regularly how you are doing at following the actions you want to take, as well as recording the results you are achieving through your action steps!

  • If social media is how you are planning on starting or growing your business, track how often you post each week, your follower count and engagement rate.

Personally, I’ve made a couple different goals for 2022 within my business. Some of them being the number of people I want to support to be fully self-employed and financially secure, and the number of new clients I take on this year. As well as goals surrounding my business income and my bi-weekly salary that I pay myself from my business revenue. What are some of your business goals for 2022? Send me an email to share one of your big goals with me! Or if you have some big goals around starting a business and leaving your J-O-B, CLICK HERE to book a no charge Discovery Call to see if we are a good fit to work together. Make some goals and take action to reach them!
