Money Mindset

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Do YOU Need Better Business Boundaries?

Having your own business has a huge list of perks, but it also means you have to make some tough decisions. Setting boundaries for your business and saying NO, can be hard! I’ve been the ‘bad guy’, and I know it sucks but if you don’t set boundaries you will start to resent your business and some of your clients. Here is a list of boundaries that many of us let slide in our businesses:

  • Booking clients outside of the hours you want to work.

  • Working with clients you dread.

  • No cancellation policy, or not enforcing the one you have.

  • Allowing certain clients to get away with things because you like them.

  • Making everyone else a priority, not you!

If any of these things ring a bell, it’s time to set some boundaries and get back to LOVING the business you’ve worked so hard to create! I would like to remind you that it is YOUR business and you decide what boundaries you want or need to set to take care of YOU! Take a step back, think about what frustrates you most in your business and how you can change them.

Creating Robust Client Contracts

This is a great way to start off your client relationships. Having a clear and detailed contract to start will mean less confusion and questions around the finer details. Things such as payment details, the amount of notice both parties need to give when ending a contract. There are many online platforms to explore to make contract delivery easy! Be sure to do your research!

Cancellation Policies

To build a cancellation policy for your business, start by having a detailed understanding of how your business functions. Think about timelines on when you will most likely be able to fill spots that have been cancelled. Also take into consideration that a cancellation policy is to work for both you and your clients. You want your clients to respect the value of your time just as they want you to have an understanding that life happens to everyone. Here are a few things you should include:

  • How much notice do you require for the client NOT to pay a fee?

  • How much is the fee your client is required to pay if they do cancel inside of your notice period?

  • How much is the fee for a no show?

  • The method in which you will collect payments if clients cancel last minute or are a no show.

  • What will result in you no longer taking bookings from a client?

Remember you are in control of your cancellation policy! It’s great if you have one, but it is important to also enforce it! Because it is your business you get to decide on when you bend a little bit on your policy.

Dreaded Client Instead of IDEAL Client

It is so important to have a clear vision of who your IDEAL client is! This will mean you won’t have to work with clients you dread! If you’re just starting out and feel like you need to work with everyone who reaches out to you, please know that is not the case. You are not meant to work with EVERYONE. Set boundaries on who you work with, which is much easier when you have a clear, detailed vision of who your IDEAL client is. This will also mean you won’t need to have the difficult conversation of why your client is not IDEAL and why you’ve decided to no longer work with them.

I struggled with these things as well as others when I first started my business. How about travelling to and from clients' homes? I used to drive up to an hour both ways for a 1 hour appointment! I do not recommend doing that if it isn’t required of you! These are all things I now help my clients with. If you are struggling with where to start setting boundaries in your business, and you are ready for help to grow, let’s connect! CLICK HERE to book a 30 minute no charge Discovery Call to see if we are a good fit. I would love to help you get back to loving the business you are growing!

Sherry - questions? Shoot me and email!