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Books to Kickstart Your Mindset and Focus

If you’ve spent some time following my IG or FB, you know that I’m a little bit of a fan of personal development books! While meeting with my kickass clients, we often come across challenges that I’ve previously faced and with that comes my book recommendation-whether you want it or not :) There are so many good books out there to help us face the challenges that life throws at us! So, if you’re a reader just like I am, consider looking into the following books. One or more may be the push you need to make progress towards those scary AF business goals you have for 2022!

The 12 Week Year - Brian P. Moran & Michael Lennington

This is a book of tried and true strategies that are simple to understand and input into your business or day-to-day. Thousands of people have now followed these strategies to fill the gap between knowing what we should do, and actually DOING it! I personally love this book for its simplicity, how it helps you stay focused on taking continual steps towards your goals and it allows you to evaluate how you do each week. If you have ever set big goals for yourself and tucked them away never to be seen again, give this book a read and take action to implement the strategies within it!

Badass Habits - Jen Sincero & Atomic Habits - James Clear

Both of these books have really helped me expand my mindset on how we start and build on new daily habits. I have been able to create new routines and habits based on the steps recommended in these books. Let me tell you, they work! Many of the new habits I’ve added into my life allow me to start my day off on the right track, which has been a huge game changer for me! They both helped me to look at so many things differently in all areas of my life!

Badass Habits - a funny, easy read that has a new take on habits and how to make or break them. It has a 21 day guide for stomping out those shitty habits we’ve developed that do NOT serve any use, as well as making new habits to keep us focused and on track with our goals.

Atomic Habits - James Clear is a leader in the field of experts that focus on forming habits, keeping them, or scrapping them. In this book, he outlines a system to get your habit forming to the next level, and gives real-life stories from business leaders, comedians, doctors, and more to keep you interested! This book will really help you transform the way you think about success and progress, and equip you with tools to help you form good habits, and get rid of the bad ones.

The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy

This short, but impactful book is very eye opening and will help you see your decisions compound on one another. We tend to think that to make big changes, we have to make big shifts in our lives, but this book explains the reality. Big changes come from many smaller ones! Everyday, small decisions will ultimately lead to big changes, and this book outlines a system for you to make those small decisions to keep you successful and track your progress.

How Personal Development Books Will Help You to Start or Grow Your Business?

Not everyone loves reading books as much as I do, but if you do, I highly recommend picking up some good personal development books to add to your collection. As a business owner there are 2 main reasons why I like reading these types of books.

1 - Personal development books help with mindset and challenge the way we think and perceive certain topics. We all tend to get stuck in our old ways of thinking, which limits our growth, both personally and within our businesses. Reading books has broadened my horizon on making habits, breaking habits and putting systems in place to be successful in my business. I always want to be learning and challenging myself while running and growing my business! Learning the habits and mindset of others has opened my eyes to so many things!

2 - As a business owner, I sometimes fall into unproductive periods. We all do! I do make sure to schedule downtime for myself so I’m not ALWAYS working. That is one of the many perks of being my own boss that I LOVE! But, I have found myself having weeks or months where I really let off the gas in my business and lost focus on my big goals. Many of the books I’ve read have helped me implement strategies to stay focused and continue to make progress towards my big and scary AF business goals.

If you LOVE reading personal development books as much as I do, send me an email with your favourites! I’m always on the lookout for more good reads!
