Money Mindset

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Aftermath of, “You’re Fired!”

Last week I told you all about the lows of the shit job I got fired from. I’m sure most of you nodded your head in agreement and swore a little bit at the similarities in your day to day. But I didn’t notice how negatively that job was affecting my life until I was out of there. Don’t be like me! See the signs!

  • Bitchy/snappy all the time?

  • Physically exhausted?

  • Mentally stressed to the MAX?

  • Lack of sleep driving you batshit crazy?

  • Time to make a plan to ditch that 9-5, or worse… SHIFT WORK!!

Let’s Talk Budgeting

Prior to being fired, budgeting wasn’t exactly at the top of our list. We had a budget! Things like credit card expenses were not included in our budget, and we used them often. Our credit card bill was upwards of $1,000 frequently! We spent above and beyond our budget on travel because it was my only true escape from work. Trying to balance my high stress job also had me overspending on other things. Buy! Feel good! Work! Feel awful! After being fired, these spending habits had to change! We learned to live off of much less while I was on the hunt for a new job. Guess what kind of jobs I was applying for?

  • Shift work!

  • Long hours!

  • High stress environments!

These jobs were just a stepping stone to retirement. All I was thinking about was how many years I had to endure until the great escape, and it was DECADES!!

Coaching. Is. Worth. It.

Part of my severance package included a career coach. After being fired, I was in such a panic that I would not have thought of investing in a career coach on my own. I was just focused on finding a job that I was qualified for! Thankfully, this coach challenged me to think of other careers. She asked me that very important question. What would you do if money was not a concern? This is what led me to the career I am truly meant for! She helped me to see what was possible and the options I had. There was so much more than factory work available to me! Having the support of a coach behind me while I made the transition from factory life, being fired, to starting my own business was so invaluable!

December of 2017 I began my journey to become a Financial Coach-it all started with education-I found a program I was excited about and got started in January of 2018. I completed my exams for my Accredited Financial Counsellor Certification and began helping clients with their financial futures in June of 2018. This, along with my history of being fired and finding the path to my true calling is part of what helps me help you! I have learned so much from my own money mistakes, and the financial hardships of past clients that I now apply to my current program. This program means we get to work together one on one to make a plan suited to your financial needs to get you to living a life you don’t even think is possible right how. Want to get out of debt? Ready to grow or build a business you love? Want to get out of that shit job? Save more? CLICK HERE to book a 30 minute Discovery Call so we can talk about how you can get started on your journey to get your financial shit together! Escape the job you dread!
