Money Mindset

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5 Books you NEED to Read if You Are (or want to be) a BOSS!

Reading is a great way to educate yourself within your business, or give you a kick-start to taking that leap into being self-employed. Books are easy to find in the world of online shopping and come in different forms. Do you love having that hardcover or paperback in your hands while you read? Order it from Amazon or Indigo or hunt for it at a second hand store! Do you prefer to listen to a book? Audio books are also available for you to listen to through Kobo and other e-book providers. Have a look at the Hoopla app through your local library to get them for free!! Here is a list of books I recommend diving into on your self-employment journey.

1 - Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

This book is all about a simple system to manage your business finances. The author has taken the conventional formula of profit and flipped it to have a completely different outlook on what your profit should be. The conventional formula being Sales - Expenses = Profit is flipped to Sales - Profit = Expenses. As you can imagine, the change in this formula can greatly change the perspective of a business owner trying to manage cash flow! This book provides fantastic step-by-step guidance with the sense of humour that Michalowicz is known for. Worth the read for all entrepreneurs! I’ve been using this system in my business for years and because of it, I pay myself a consistent salary each week all while saving for taxes and easily taking care of my business expenses!! But my favourite part? Paying myself a quarterly bonus!!

2 - You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

Personally, I read this book about once a year. It is GOOD! This book is great for shifting your money mindset and will have you moving past your fears that have been holding you back from financial success. Sincero tells of her own journey from living in a garage to the success she has now, and does so with humour. I highly recommend this read to smash through roadblocks you could be experiencing in your money mindset!

3 - Badass Habits by Jen Sincero

Sincero again has written an easy to read book on a topic we all struggle with. Habits, good and bad! How to trash the bad and build the good, AND stick to it. This book features a 21 day guide for dropping habits that do you no good, and picking up habits that you will benefit from. She also interviews people who have successfully adorned a new perspective on habits and how to make or break them. All of this is explained with Sincero’s sense of humour keeping you hooked and making for an exciting read.

4 - The Pumpkin Plan by Mike Michalowicz

This is an amazing book to help you build your business by figuring out how to work with your dream clients. Michalowicz was inspired by a pumpkin farmer, so much that he built a business plan based on how the pumpkin farm operated. Sounds like a far cry from a good business plan, right? He made a plan, put it to work in his own company and succeeded because of it! Planting the correct seeds, weeding out the garbage and nurturing the robust pumpkins (your DREAM clients!!) is all outlined in his genius Pumpkin Plan. Every entrepreneur struggling to get their ideal client should be reading this!

5 - Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

No, it is not a typo! Profit First is listed twice! The system outlined in this book will make your life easier! It is so awesome for managing ALL things business and money that I had to mention it AGAIN! If this system has you intrigued and you want to learn more, but reading it makes you want to run, I can help! Helping you set this system up in your business is something I love to do! No need to stress over getting through a whole book if it isn’t your thing! If you know you need to create structure in your business finances and are ready for support to make it happen, let’s connect. CLICK HERE to book a no charge 30-min Discovery Call to learn more.
