Money Mindset

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3 Reason to Check Out Group Coaching

With so many different options in the coaching industry, it can be difficult to sit down and decide what type of coaching is right for you. While I have focused on one-on-one coaching for many years, this year I am so excited to have group coaching available for my clients! There are a few benefits to group coaching that one-on-one sessions don’t offer. So, if you’ve been trying to make the decision between one-on-one or group sessions, here are a few benefits to the group option. As well as some details on my group program and why I’ve decided to start one!


There are pros and cons to all types of coaching. Which one is better for you, is your choice and depends on many different variables. Here are a few benefits of group coaching:

Financially Friendly - More often than not, group coaching in all areas is most commonly more affordable than one-on-one sessions. With more people per session there is usually more wiggle room financially for the coach to keep pricing a little more budget friendly. If you’re looking for some support in the form of coaching, but you have a budget, group sessions could be the best option for you.

Learn From the Experiences of Others - During group coaching you have the chance to listen to the experiences of others on different topics. Maybe a small business owner has already powered through their first year of taxes and has insights to offer that you could benefit from in your first business tax season! Or maybe another group member speaks of their experience with a computer program you’ve been itching to try! There are so many opportunities within a group setting to learn from others!

A Community of Accountability Buddies and Cheerleaders - One of the great things about hiring me as your coach is having me in your corner, cheering you on and keeping you accountable. With group coaching, you get an entire community of like minded people to be your cheerleaders and accountability buddies! Group coaching can lead to partnerships and friendships between those who have similar goals, businesses, or have faced the same issues in their businesses!

Not only do you get the benefit of a coach with expert guidance, a support system to get you taking action towards your goals, you also get a community of kickass people who are, or have been in the same boat! Not only can you learn from others in the group, others can learn from you! We all have something to offer!

My Group Coaching Program

I am SO excited for my group coaching program! Getting a group of like minded women together to share my expertise with, to help them face roadblocks and fears, and succeed in starting or growing their business is something I cannot wait to do in a group setting! Is my program for you?

  • Do you want to launch or grow your business this year?

  • Are you unsure where to start?

  • Are you looking for a community of amazing women who want you to grow and flourish in your business endeavor?

  • Are you unhappy with your current job?

  • Are you ready to be excited about all things financial in your life?

  • Do you have a picture of your dream life in your mind, but you aren’t sure how to get yourself there?

If any of these things hit home for you, and the benefits of group coaching listed above excite you, then my group coaching program could be for you! I want you and all of my group coaching members to smash the shit out of BIG goals, find a community full of support and love, grow as people, and launch or grow a business doing what you love!

My “Why”

I love doing what I do, and I truly believe that having a group coaching option within my business will help me grow the number of women I can help get out of a job they hate, and start doing what they love. This is important to me because this is exactly what I needed before getting fired to be able to step into a life I didn’t think was possible. Instead, I FELL into it! I know there are more women out there like me that need my help! This will also help support my goal of helping 12 women move into full-time self-employment and achieve their financial goals.

If you are interested to hear more about either my group coaching program or one-on-one coaching program EMAIL ME for more info. I would be happy to answer all of your questions. Remember, dream big!
